About Me

My name is Koo Yi Jie, passionate early childhood advocate and mother of two precocious boys. As the saying goes, “it is easier to build a child than to rebuild an adult”, our impact with young children is truly phenomenal. Cheers to life adventures as a mother, centre leader, educator 😊

Sunday, January 29

Happy Chinese New Year

How times flies! I started this writing space to document my thoughts as a fresh early childhood educator, learning to surviving! As I look forward to my third year of teaching, let's look back on my first and second year. 

First Year was indeed, survival mode. 

Toddlers - food allergies, safety, picking eating, diaper rashes, hygiene, self-help, routines, parents, newborns...I failed, reflected and learnt! Taking an hour train ride during peak hour to get to work, that took time to get used as well. 

Second Year of teaching was about advocacy, for me. 

When I first received news that I would be a mentor to a student-teacher, I was unsure. I have worked with great mentor, and I wasn't sure if I could be of useful help to her. Asides from sharing my knowledge and experience with her, it was mostly about being a positive support for her to be successful. Being there for her to bridge her communication with parents, helping her to observe and understand the toddlers better and helping her to make decisions upon her imminent graduation. I was so blessed to have great teachers and recommendations throughout my academic career, and I was so thankful for my opportunity to help and inspire her along the way, paying forward. 

Advocacy through parent workshops too - oh boy. I followed the toddlers up in my second year and yes, the parents finally listened to some of my nagging. Great! Like many other parents, I have met parents who do not believe or practice learning through play, they wanted phonics, additions, weather for three-years-old. Along with my team, we advocate for early literacy through stori-gami, authors' study and wordless picture book. Authors' Study on Julia Donaldson was too much fun! With Room on the Broom, The Smartest Giant in Town and A Squish and A Squeeze, the toddlers displayed strong interest in literature, creative story-lines and confidence in storytelling! 

We advocate for early numeracy through block play, penne and macaroni play, class party, and many more. 
We advocate for early science through ice play, rain play and class pets and more. 
Lastly, I've worked with Times Publishing on a short ad-hoc article on Negotiating Effective with Young Children, you can browse through here: https://www.goguru.com.sg/cms/index.php/articles/details/negotiating-effectively-with-your-child.  Go goguru.com > article > Negotiating with Young Children. Do support them and they do provide great learning and teaching resources and workshops. I went to Austria for an overseas trip with AECES too, and I am still learning to bring the best from there into our local context. Takes some time and tweaking! 

Looking forward to an exciting third year! 

(PS: I am getting married in March, let's see how work-life balances?)