About Me

My name is Koo Yi Jie, passionate early childhood advocate and mother of two precocious boys. As the saying goes, “it is easier to build a child than to rebuild an adult”, our impact with young children is truly phenomenal. Cheers to life adventures as a mother, centre leader, educator 😊


WSQ Advanced Certificate in Learning and Performance (ACLP) (Class of 2022)
Certified Associate Trainer

National Institute of Education 
Master of Education (Early Childhood Education) (Class of 2021)
CGPA: 4.17 / 5

Wheelock College - Singapore Institute of Technology (2013 - 2015) 
Bachelors of Science in Early Childhood Education Studies and Leadership (Class of 2015) 
Final GPA: 3.7  / 4

Ngee Ann Polytechnic (2010-2013)
School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Diploma with Merit in Early Childhood Education (Teaching & Leadership)
Certificate in Business
Final GPA: 3.78  / 4

Work Experiences 

My Career Objective:  To be a leader of an early education institute, develop positive relationships with staff and stakeholders to further the mission of the school.

Jan 2023 -  : Curriculum Specialist, M.Y World HQ

I take lead in the development/review of M.Y World’s curriculum framework, translation of education philosophy & belief into classroom practices & implementation of the curriculum through training. I develop and design appropriate curriculum resources/guides to support curriculum implementation at centres, including sample teaching plans and teaching-learning resources/guides for the different learning areas through mentoring. 

During on-site visits, I design/Introduce practical strategies for implementation at centre level to enhance children’s learning. I advise Centre Leaders on matters about curriculum planning and implementation, advice on practitioners’ inquiries and action research to improve teaching and learning practices at centres, and advise the planning and implementation of programs funded by external parties such as ECDA, NAC, HPB, and IDA.  I Involve in discussions about initiatives, policies, and regulations organized by external stakeholders and translate them into classroom practices to meet/achieve standards of excellence set at the national level (e.g. ECDA, MOE, CPCLL), when necessary. 

Oct 2020 - Dec 2022 : Principal, M.Y World @ Tenteram Peak

 I establish high expectations for the professional growth of teachers, learning for the children and the development of the organization. I play an active role in the strategic and operational development of the school and improve the design of existing tools and resources to support the development of teacher thinking. Through mentoring and modelling, I increase the effectiveness of the design of learning environments, pedagogical documentation, teaching strategies and classroom management. I led and facilitate reflective dialogues designed to guide teachers in uncovering solutions to the challenges they experience in the classrooms and create and deliver professional development training for the team regularly.

Jan 2020 - Current: Mother of One.

I care for, discipline, teach, raise, guide, and nurture the baby. I feed, bathe, and change the child, do his laundry and dishes, and keep the home tidy, pack his bag with food, books, clothes, diapers. I implement consequences for irresponsible behavior when applicable, be a role model for the child, keeping in mind at all times that everything said and done is having an impact that will greatly affect how the kid turns out as an adult. This job is 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with no sick days and limited vacation days. MOM!

May 2015 -  Oct 2020 : English Teacher, The Caterpillar's Cove [Devan Nair]

Throughout my teaching experience at Cove, I have worked with children aged 18 months to six years. I have experience in planning, implementing and reviewing lesson plans for both the Birth to Three and Emergent Curriculum with a Socio-Constructivist Approach. Beyond providing quality care and education, I work closely with our parents and researchers to continue to improve the lives of families through workshops, conversations, interviews, and articles. Further, I have three years of mentoring experience with student-teachers from SUSS, NP and ITE Central. 


*Names of writers/organisations are masked to protect their identity on the internet. Full versions are available upon request.

Letter of Recommendation from Principal (2020)

Letter of Recommendation from Professor (2015)

Letter of Recommendation from Principal (2013)

Letter of recommendation from Sports Coach (2013)


Comments by a Lecturer (2013)

Comments from Field Practicum by Centre Supervisor (2013)

Comments based on Field Practicum Experiences by Centre Director (2013)

Letter of Commendation by a member of public (2012)

Letter of Recommendation for Direct Polytechnic Admission (DPA) (2009)