About Me

My name is Koo Yi Jie, passionate early childhood advocate and mother of two precocious boys. As the saying goes, “it is easier to build a child than to rebuild an adult”, our impact with young children is truly phenomenal. Cheers to life adventures as a mother, centre leader, educator 😊

Saturday, July 2

Exciting Growth

In February, I have the opportunity to speak with leaders and soon-to-be leaders at the Project Showcase for EC Leaders 2022 (ECDA), I conducted a Peer Sharing about the conflict management styles at workplace and how can we manage interpersonal relationships at work. Asides from sharing knowledge, what inspires me was the ECDA Fellows who were there! It was such a fangirl moment to present alongside with these leaders who supports and inspires my professional growth all these years. It was nice to exchange tips and stories! I went on to collaborate with ECDA on a quote to share via Social Media Platform.  

In July, I am honored to conduct a Parent Workshop as an Associate Trainer with SEED Institute on Building a Child’s Langauge and Communication Skills. It was a platform for me to apply and practice my adult facilitator skills in terms of curating and delivering content. As of July, I am a official trained Adult Trainer so feel free to speak to me on potential ad-hoc collaborations!