About Me

My name is Koo Yi Jie, passionate early childhood advocate and mother of two precocious boys. As the saying goes, “it is easier to build a child than to rebuild an adult”, our impact with young children is truly phenomenal. Cheers to life adventures as a mother, centre leader, educator 😊

Sunday, September 18


I was reflecting on the professional development courses that I’ve attained since my first day of work and realized that though I did not attend many, the impact was great. The informal sessions, casual conversations and constant evaluation has made its mark on my professional life. I have evolved from one who was afraid and fearful of toddlers (remember I was terrified to be in the same room with them prior) to being able to manage twenty-ish of them. I’ve professionally developed (still developing), and the best is yet to come. #learning journey.

I am thankful for my upcoming opportunity to be a mentor, dipping my feet into a tad of leadership and really really excited for mentoring. About five years ago, when I was fresh in the Early Childhood Industry, I met a lovely and inspiring mentor that lead me, taught me and encouraged me. She could have left me to sink on my own, instead, she saw something in me and groomed me. Her faith in me left a huge impact on me. To you, thank you! Five years on, it is my turn to be a mentor to guide a young student-teacher in the work that I love. Cheers! Looking forward to ECDA conference on 1st Oct too, something special is brewing.