About Me

My name is Koo Yi Jie, passionate early childhood advocate and mother of two precocious boys. As the saying goes, “it is easier to build a child than to rebuild an adult”, our impact with young children is truly phenomenal. Cheers to life adventures as a mother, centre leader, educator 😊

Thursday, October 24

A lot of growth, personally and professionally - Chapter 2

 If there is one word I can use to describe the past two years would be - growth.

 Professionally, a different portfolio. 

It’s okay to suck when you try something new. If you know me, you would know that I am uncomfortable asking for help. But one thing I learn was just because you suck now doesn’t mean you’ll always be terrible. By putting hard work, support and efforts, we can develop our skills and be better each time. Don’t forget to celebrate little wins too. Every improvement/breakthrough should be affirmed!

I also learnt that feeling challenged isn’t a weakness, it’s an opportunity. Many a times, in my new work, I realized I cannot do this as well as I thought. I felt incompetent and less-then, I feel vulnerable. And the reason for these feelings is because I care about my work and my learning, learning outside of our comfort zone is not a pretty sight, but I am glad I tried!  

Educate patiently 
Advocate passionately
Inspire consistently