About Me

My name is Koo Yi Jie, passionate early childhood advocate and mother of two precocious boys. As the saying goes, “it is easier to build a child than to rebuild an adult”, our impact with young children is truly phenomenal. Cheers to life adventures as a mother, centre leader, educator 😊

Sunday, August 16

A timely reminder

            Enculturation has given me the opportunity to know the organization in the larger scale and it was a good platform for networking and revision as well. There were many people from various backgrounds within the same room as myself embarking on this teaching profession. It was nice to see some familiar faces too.

At Enculturation, I was often asked by my peers and instructors, where do I see myself in three years? And, my answer remain the same. I want to be a masterful teacher and an effective advocate. I want to learn, grow and be challenged consistently. I intend to learn pedagogies and effective communication from my older colleagues and to read up on effective strategies and latest trends. One of the most memorable quotes shared at the Enculturation was; with or without a leader, a good teacher still carry out her tasks dutifully and passionately. It doesn’t take a leader to make her great, the heart of the teacher make herself great. It reminds me to be proactive, hardworking and maintain integrity at work at all times.

Attending Enculturation program made me found out that almost every teachers cried buckets of tears before because of all the heavy workload, expectation and stress. They have asked themselves over and over again why they are here, doing tasks that the society do not appreciate. But they said, “when children smile and say thank you to you, everything’s worth it”. And then, willingly, we continue on this journey as we cry and fall for millions of times until our souls and bodies break. Without the passion and love for children, we really wouldn’t be here. Teachers are really great. I am really honored to be in one of the world’s great profession.

It will not be an easy journey but it will be worth it. I believe that in everything I do, just be the best I can be and be genuine to myself and the people around me. People will have expectations of myself, everyone will, but as long as I try my best, I should be proud of myself. Everyone goes through the newbie stage, and the beginning is the toughest.