About Me

My name is Koo Yi Jie, passionate early childhood advocate and mother of two precocious boys. As the saying goes, “it is easier to build a child than to rebuild an adult”, our impact with young children is truly phenomenal. Cheers to life adventures as a mother, centre leader, educator 😊

Tuesday, November 10

New life, new hype!

 In October 2020, I took a leadership role and I must say it has been a meaningful journey. At the start, there was a culture shock on how things were being done. After knowing the frameworks and centres’ needs, I begin to “enculturate” myself to fit into this new culture. Pedagogical leadership was tougher than it looks because every educator has their temperament and style. I am determined to improve and influence practices to increase the quality of care and education for the children.

A lot of “firefighting” and every day is filled with solving all kinds of problems, dealing with difficult situations, and making decisions. Thankfully, I have a wonderful work partner, she is supportive and passionate to bring forth wonderful practices. I am very tired but excited! Most importantly, I am so glad that the workplace is nearer to my house, I get to get home on time and spend more time with my sweetheart.